Make it matter, whatever you do!

From this particular moment in time, the present might not seem like anything peculiar or distinctive,

But for me it’s different.

Consider again this new moment in time. Again! It’s only now. And again, only now!

This moment contains everything that’s alive right now at this moment! Plus the memories of all the people and things that ever were and the plans, hopes and dreams of everything yet to possibly happen!

Let’s for a moment just consider our planet Earth and everything that’s alive on it at this newest present moment in time.

It’s everybody. Each and every person, wrapped up in their own individual thoughts. It’s every creature. Every plant and every animal. Reptile. Mammal, insect and aviary.

Everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you’ve ever met that’s currently alive right now is always part of this present moment. It’s bigger than anyone of us can imagine!

Everything that is currently alive, on this Earth, at this moment. Think of it.

Just for a moment, consider everything that is currently alive right now!

In the next moment so many things will die! But so many will be newly born into existence! Let’s consider at any moment the things that are alive right now, in this Now!

The aggregate of all the living things. Those that are currently feeling joy and those that are currently suffering.

Thousands of different thoughts, concepts, religions, ideas and ideologies; everything that is currently eating a meal, and everything that is currently being killed to be eaten; be it fruit or vegetable, insect, reptile, or mammal. Everything dying of natural causes and everything right now being brought into creation!

Everything that is right now saving a life and being heroic, and everything cowardly hiding in the corner. Everything creating or destroying something around them. And all the things near and next to those things as well.

Everything that right now feels rich and satisfied, and everything that’s in need of something.

Everything that is young and in love, and everything that’s old and bitter. Every mother and father, every child.

We all currently make up this moment. Look around you! Are you fighting? Are you mad? Are you hurt?

Are you making love? Are you loving something or someone? Are you with them? Are you far from them? Do you feel longing and wishing they are there? Are you laughing? Are you feeling fine?

Right now someone somewhere is waking up, and someone is just about to fall into sleep.

Someone is making breakfast, someone is reading a book. And someone is writing out the thoughts in their mind. And someone is reading these lines.

Someone is petting their dog or cat, and someone is holding their baby.

Someone right now is waiting at the airport for their long lost love to arrive; exploding with excitement and anxiety and anticipation for the sweet embrace of reunion. To soon be wrapped up in the arms of another, losing themselves into the pair.

And someone somewhere right now is sad and alone, with no one else in their room right now. But what’s “their room” anyway? Their own space? But we were considering the whole planet!! So no one has their own space. It’s all the shared space of the entire Earth! Let’s consider the orbiting atmosphere around the Earth to include the ISS for the moment. This moment. 2018. So NO ONE IS ALONE!

We are all together alive right now.

Some will die very soon. Some will be born in just a moment from now. Together with every fly that will live for 24 hours and every tiny bacteria that will live for less than that. Every mosquito, every ant. Every amoeba or single celled organism. Every elephant and whale and everything in between. Everything flying, everything under the sea. Everything in every corner of this Earth at every different time zone going around.

Somewhere the sun is rising at every moment! Somewhere it’s dark all day long. Somewhere it’s every hour of the day or night. Somewhere someone is in a bar at night. And somewhere someone is suffering under the heat of the mid-day sun.

And even when this author, the writer of these words here, right now as they are written, once he is gone, faded into the memories of everyone he had ever met; everyone he had ever crossed paths with during the short time he was alive. Every eye contact he made, every lover he touched. Everyone that ever hated him, embraced him, dignified him and belittled him. Once this author has deceased, no longer a part of the living things, the new moment of existence will always be. The next present moment will always therefore also ever exist, appreciated and mourned by every living thing in that moment.

It never ends and it’s not for any individual one of us to fathom in our current moment. Only to appreciate and pass along. Existence is bigger than any individual one of us! It can be only our minds that consider the whole of every living thing that brings us together in awareness of each other. Then we can move towards something good, something positive, something full of love .. unless you’re hungry and have to eat, then you have to kill something right now to stay alive. And that’s fine too.

This moment is a vast and beautiful thing. Make it matter whatever you do.

